Thursday 6 June 2013

2. The Ginger Biscuit

Good evening my dears,
Today one has reminisced in the delicate taste of a Ginger Biscuit. One can only describe the taste as powerful although rather satisfying and pleasurable. Ones friend recommended the Ginger Biscuit and my response to which was a plausible one. However, one has awarded this biscuit a highly respectful 61/100 due to overwhelming impact on ones taste buds. 
One Ginger Biscuit is enough for myself for now. However the biscuit tin is calling ones name...

Chow for now chums,

Tuesday 4 June 2013

1. The Malted Milk Biscuit

Well good afternoon to you dear chums,

By Jove have I got a biscuit review for you! My first review of a biscuit leads one to one of my childhood favourites, the Malted Milk. Whilst reminiscing in a light afternoon cup of tea, one couldn't resist the temptation to open the biscuit tin. At the top of the pile was a Malted Milk. The Malted Milk is a lovely, delicate biscuit which summons one to which can only be described as a taste of paradise. Conversely it could be argued that one has been rather privileged to indulge in a biscuit of such perfection. However, once one had consumed one too many of these biscuits, one is now suffering from the dreadful secondary impact of indigestion. One will learn the hard way.
Subsequently, the Malted Milk biscuit receives a rather flattering 77/100 for overall satisfaction of consumption. A faultless tasting biscuit, although one is now reaching for the Gaviscon...

Ta Ta now

p.s. stay tuned for more reviews of more English Biscuits.

Hello World


I have got a lot of free time on my hands right now, and I thought what could I do?
So I decided to make a blog. This blog is special, because it could be the only one out there...
this blog will be a blog that reviews biscuits. Biscuits that you can find here in the UK.

I think that this will be a fun blog to develop, and I hope that you enjoy it too!!

The Biscuit Factory (TBF). 
